Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Man of the Century
Today is yet another special day as it is the birthday of one of the founding members of DENcorp who have always been so committed in making this blog constantly updated and popular.
so who's f*cking birthday is next?
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
4:48 PM |
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pulop Is Forever
This post is dedicated to one of the most talented guy I've ever seen in terms of studying, music-playing, CS-ing, sporting, ole-ing, gaming, learning, bitching, cali-ing, fucking and so on.
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
8:52 PM |
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Funny Toilet Signs @ Gripps
Do you guys still remember the weird toilet flush signs that I saw at Lim Ah Siaw before?

Well, that is the story of last August.
But recently, I saw more of these funny toilet signs at Gripps Cafe.

These signs just won't stop coming!
I wonder how much "funnier" these signs can get in the near future?
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
2:06 PM |
Friday, February 22, 2008
Weird Rules
I've just got my folder for MD yesterday.

In it, there's a 'guide book' which contain all the rules that is best for us to remember.
Some of the rules are extraordinary weird that I couldn't help but post it here.

Nose ring? Like who the f*ck would wanna put on a nose ring.

Extremely strict rule for hair?
We might as well ask for a 'bowl cut' next time we go to the barbershop/salon.

Even this kid's expression is like -.-"
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
7:19 AM |
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Foreigners Also Love Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is a blast this year.
Although I did not get as much red packets than expected, I still enjoy the Chinese New Year very much.

What really surprised me during this Chinese New Year is that I found out even foreigners are involved in the lion dance troupe.

Well, actually those are members of the lion dance troupe I guess.
Even lion dance is so popular with Indians these days.

I really have nothing to say.
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
6:11 PM |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
What It Takes To Be A Super Hero...Or A Villain
As the title suggest, today’s topic will be about super heroes… 
…and villains.

You know; Superman, Spiderman, Dr. Doom, Cicak-man, bla bla bla.
So yea, below are tips to be a true super hero (or a villain!). Do you have what it takes xD???
Almost every villains (and super heroes too) starts becoming, well, their present state, when their experiment fails. This failure will somehow cause a strange mutation upon the user and subsequently make the user more powerful.
First step of becoming a hero, or a villain (in some twisted cases), you need super powers.
So, if you want to be one, all you had to do is to conduct a very complicated experiment.

Make sure it fails. When the solution starts exploding like crazy, make sure you are close to it so that it will spill on you.

Too risky? You might want to try swallowing a twisted mutated cicak (if you want to be Cicak-man). Good luck.

Then you can start deciding on a cool name.
Yea, every super hero comes with a cool name. Superman, Spiderman, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Pyro, Wolverine, Professor X, etc. So you wouldn’t want to choose your own real name, would you? Instead of Ali, Jacky, Tiah, etc, you should choose something more unique and likeable.
Girl: Thank you for saving my life!
Tiah: Nah, I’m just doing my job.
Girl: :-)
Girl: So what’s your name?
Tiah: The name’s Tiah ;-)
Girl: Owhkay. (Now there goes my fantasy…)
Oh your name must have something to do with your ability. It would be weird to name yourself Flame-man when all you can do is flying. Where’s the catch in that?
“It’s a bird! No. It’s a plane! No! It’s f**king Flame-man!!”
Oh DO NOT choose a very very long name.
Super Hero: Do not worry, citizens of Earth for I, Thedoric Chong Sheng Shiong will save you from every evil lingering in this world!
Citizens of Earth: What!?
Nevertheless, Thedoric is a reaaally unique name. So you can choose that name if you ever decide to be a super hero, or a villain for that matter.
p.s. Only 2007 SOASC 5sc1 students will understand this joke :-)

Every super hero and villain must have their own out-of-the-ordinary attire. I mean, is it really necessary?
“It’s a measure to hide my true identity,” so they (They as in super heroes. I don’t think I’ve heard villains said that before) say.
Sure, whatever. I thought wearing something normal would truly hide your identity. You know, you can blend in into the crowd without a second glance from anybody.
Why can’t they just wear something simple? Something like this:

Just Kidding...
You know Mysterio from the Spiderman series? He f**king wears a spherical fish tank on his head! Doesn’t he feel suffocated in that thing? Weird…

So if you want to be a super hero, you must choose bright color attire. The brighter the better. Most super heroes go for red. So I suggest you do the same thing too. Oh oh, don’t forget to wear your undies outside.
And if you think you prefer to be a villain, you should also wear something like that. Something that says ‘EVIL’.
If you’re a girl, and decided to become either of them, then you just have to wear something sluttish. You must show your legs, thighs, boobies, everything.
Or better:

Alessandro Ambrosio!She will make a ' good' villain ;-)
But don’t wear a fish tank on your head; that will just spoil the mood :s.

However you can still wear it if you’re a guy. Just kidding.
Ok that’s the attire part. Now let’s move on to...
Every villain in this world dreams of world domination (some thinks global pandemonium is better). Hey, it’s not wrong to think like that! Everyone has their own dream, okay?
I don’t get it. What will you get from conquering the world? Money? Women? Living a king’s life? That’s about it, right?
I love money and women too. Everyone loves them too, no doubt about it. Well, at least all the men (unless if you are gay) loves it. That’s why you don’t see much female villains running down the street.
Villains love to announce their dream. That’s okay! He will be slaughtered by the super hero anyways.
Blogger's note: Remember...Super hero always wins.
“With my power, I will conquer the world!!! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *Cough* So…cheese burgers, anyone? My treat.”
In Memories of:
Villain number 723,
Yea, if you want to be a villain, you must learn how to laugh hysterically. I suggest you watch Lion King and see how the Hyenas do that.

Just to refresh your memory on how those hyenas look like.
As for super hero...
“I will defeat you even if it means sacrificing my life. I will save the world from your spoilt vision.”
And after that, let the wind blow your hair. Don’t worry, there’s always a sudden gust of wind whenever a hero said something cool (Typically, Japanese heroes).

Sudden gust of wind
Every super hero and villain encounters must involve kidnapping. Usually the person that kena kidnap is the girl friend of the super hero.
If you’ve decided on becoming a super hero, you should drop your love life. If you’ve decided to be a villain, then it’s ok. Super heroes won’t do dirty works whereas villains play by their own rules.
If you’ve played The Legend of Zelda, you’ll realize that every installment of the game starts with Princess Zelda getting kidnap by some really evil foes. Link (the protagonist) had to save her every time. I mean, doesn’t Princess Zelda learnt her lessons? Or maybe after back to back of kidnappings, she grew tired of it, and thought it doesn’t matter getting kidnap yet again because Link is gonna save her anyway.

The useless b*tch.
So if you’re a girlfriend of a super hero, you gotta make sure your super hero boyfriend is strong enough to rescue you every time you kena kidnap. If you’re a boyfriend of a super hero…then that’s just plain weird.
So there you go. After powering up yourself from a failed experiment, name yourself a cool, complicated and unique one, choose your attire wisely (or weirdly), practice your speeches and you can start by doing some actions.
Always remember, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” :-D
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
1:37 PM |
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Eve of Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is just in a few hours. That is odd, because I've never expected Chinese New Year to come so quick.
It is so quick that I even have to buy new clothings such as jeans, socks, shoes and erm.. underwear *shy* at the last minute. I've already bought many T-shirts enough to wear for the first 5 days of CNY at least.
A few days ago, when I was in a supermarket, I overheard a customer asking the staff of the supermarket about a particular firecracker on sale.

The customer asked if the firecracker has been licensed and approved by the government to which the staff promptly answered with a "Yes".
Then today, my uncle got these firecrackers already. Wondering how loud and how strong these firecrackers are, I persuaded my uncle to lit them up.

It was so freaking loud! Not as loud as colour flower though, but very loud. I almost couldn't feel my ears, heck, I didn't even get to cover my ears when it blasted.

The real bad thing about these firecrackers is that the fuse aren't strong enough to hold the crackers together and they keep falling all the time.
This is what you get after your crackers are blasted.Also today, I've received a few ang paus. It's may be early, and it's not even New Years yet, but some family do give ang paus on the eve of CNY.

How glad am I today. I'm gonna save these money up to buy something which I really really want.
Wishing everyone here a Happy Chinese New Year!
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
9:11 PM |
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Huzai's Testimonial Match Report
Me, Nazrin & Wafi went to Bandar as early as 6.30am yesterday morning. As long as there is a futsal match, me and Nazrin would always go Bandar early. I just like the fresh air at Bandar in the early morning.

After coming to Bandar so many times recently, it is almost impossible not to recognize some of the people who always frequent around in Bandar. Sitting right in front of TFC everytime, we always see the same faces walking around in Bandar.
For instance, I always see an elderly man who carries his walking stick whenever he is walking around in Bandar.

The elderly man seems to be unable to walk properly, and is always relying on his walking stick.
Sometimes I even wonder if I have to help him cross the road, but since the road in Bandar is so empty in the morning, I guess he might just be able to help himself.
There is also another mentally retarded man who is always walking barefooted in the streets of Bandar. I was quite afraid of him actually.

I also brought along a bottle of Gatorade that I bought last week to help quench my thirst after the game. But seriously, I think 100 Plus is very much more effective than Gatorade and 100 Plus costs much much cheaper.
I don't even know why did I bought Gatorade in the first place. Maybe it's because it's the influence of NBA players. Damn, $1.90 gone without full satisfaction.
Then, me, Nazrin & Wafi decided to go to Mei Kuang Cafe to have a nice breakfast.

Their roti kuning can seriously compete with Jing Chew's. I always asks for 1 whenever I come here, but yesterday morning was a different case. I only ordered Teh C as to not trouble my stomach before the testimonial game.
Right after that, we met up with others who arrived and then went to Harun's Gym.
We didn't waste much time, and went onto the futsal court to have a little kick-arounds.
The match started with Edison being the goalkeeper for Ukatrats FC and Gary as the opposing goalkeeper.

It was only after a short while that Haziq scored the first goal of the game for the opposing team...

and showed us his fabulous goal celebration!

The opposing team were very strong in the game and went as far as leading us by 6-0 in the beginning of the game.

Our team has got a lot chances missed, shots wide, inaccurate passes and shaky defence. Ukatrats FC frontman Asnawi has several powerful far shots, but just couldn't find the back of the net.

At this point of the game, the benchwarmers can do absolutely nothing but watch the game whilst feeling very tulan.
There were several quick feet movements in the game. So quick that even my camera cannot capture it.

Not only the Huzai Bros are leaving, fellow Malaysian, Nazmi, is also leaving Brunei to continue study in KL.
So it's such a good thing that the people who are leaving Brunei to study somewhere else is able to play the last futsal game with us.
We lost the game in the end. We were able to catch up, but the opposing team deserved the win.
The match ended with us losing 10-11.
We then took group photos.

Luckily the founding members of DENcorp were able to take a special photo with Huzai. This surely will be the picture we're gonna treasure a lot.

I had a hard time grouping everyone together as they took a very long time to pose for the picture.
It was a very tiring day.
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
2:05 PM |
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Huzai Bros Testimonial Match Preview
As a tribute to one of the best student in SOAS, and also to mark our friendship for more than 5 years, we'll be making a testimonial futsal match for our fellow classmate Huzaishysy and his brother Huzaifeika who will be leaving Brunei soon.
Hopefully, WAL United will not
put-us-aeroplane and don't attend this match, cause I see this match to be a very interesting one. What's more, Ukatrats FC always have a good record against WAL United, the new team name of M5Sc2 - the class next door.

I will post a full match report of the game IF Wal United managed to come. This might probably be our last futsal match with the Huzai Bros.
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
11:03 PM |