Friday, June 5, 2009
I never thought I've gone through the worst papers already! Now it's Physics and Economics Paper 1 left! I smell freedom!
The second term holiday will commenced on the 14th until the 28th of June. So here's my holiday plan:
1) Futsal
Many many of them!!
2) Football

I would definitely love to play a football match or two! I've never felt so pumped up to play more football games in my life! All this while, it's always been futsal. Yes I know, my life practically revolves around those soccer games.
3) Tasek Lama hike
It's been months since I last hike! Will hike atleast once during this coming holiday.
To Desmond and Andy: You guys gotta tell me if you guys wanna hike yea! I wanna join!4) Left 4 Dead

Gonna try this game at Netland. From what others had told me, it's a very nice game. What attracted me was the game's co-op feature. There's nothing better than slaughtering zombies together with friends :)
5) Movies

Holidays would not be complete without watching some movies (with a certain someone *cough2* :p)
Interesting upcoming movies:
i) Land of The Lost - Opening this week
ii) Moon - 12th June
iii) Year One [JACK BLACK!!] - 19th June
iv) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 24th June
6) Ragnarok Online
Yes, I'm still playing this game. What? It's addictive!xp After nearly a month of hiatus, I will return to playing this game.
In order to avoid complications in communication, any proposed futsal/football matches shall be announced in this blog.
Current proposed matches:
17th - Just Like Old Times
ex-5sc1 vs ex-5sc2
9-11am, Harun's Gym
[MY PROPOSAL!What you think?]
21st - Revenge of the Fallen
ex-SOASC vs ex-SMSUA
9-11am, Harun's Gym
Gary's idea: Losers of the game will pay for the court. Agree? Cast your votes on the tagboard.
I will edit the post constantly. Don't worry, I will announce if the proposed match has been confirmed/canceled.
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
1:24 PM |
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