Thursday, March 26, 2009
Earth Hour
NOTE : REMEMBER, IT'S TODAY AT 8.30PM!! Send your pictures to instead of Sorry for the inconvenience. The picture should include your surroundings, not your face only xD Also, include your name and village where you live in. Support Earth Hour yea ;)
If you guys are unaware yet of the global event, "Earth Hour", it's not really your fault. It seems like Brunei Darussalam is not gonna be involved (I hope I'm wrong). If I'm not mistaken, only HSBC and Sheraton will participate. Note that they are not even Bruneian firms.
Therefore, as a person who stands up for a change in global climate, I urge every single one of you out there to get yourself involved!
But what is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is an annual international event created by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), held on the last Saturday of March, that asks households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.
It's simple. All you need to do is to switch off your lights (and electrical appliances, if you want) for one hour from 8.30pm this coming Saturday. You've got nothing to lose! It's just for one hour every year.You might probably say, "Cehhh, Brunei is just a speck of dust compared to the whole world, got make any changes one meh??" If you're really thinking like that, then you're an idiot. I mean, why are you so worried about how small Brunei is? You should worry about the effects of Global Warming. Now stop complaining and start acting.

One hour of saving energy may be insignificant if you're doing it alone. But if we do it together, we will definitely make a difference.
I'm gonna do it. Will you join me? =)If you've decided to get involve, show your support by tagging at the tagboard and then spread the word =) Also, take a picture or two during the Earth Hour, and email it to! I'll upload all your pictures in my future entry. This is open for everyone! Friends, enemies, and strangers alike =D You don't need to send the pictures with your face in it, if you feel malu. Just your surroundings will be enough =) Please include your name when you send the pictures. If there are more than 20 pictures, Desmond will cut botak! ;pFor more info:
Earth Hour Official Website
Earth Hour Wiki Entry
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
5:54 PM |
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