Saturday, January 17, 2009
Second Fishing Experience With Billy
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, as some of you may know that the DENcorps are all pretty busy coping up with school works.
But still, I guess the responsibility for me to update is still there. Posting about school stuff might bore some of you, so what am I gonna blog about?

Some of you may have read the post of my first fishing experience with Billy. Well, this time is no different.
Me and Billy went to another place to fish after failing to catch anything on our previous trip.

Over here, it is much smaller, which means lesser place to move around.
There weren't much people around too. Just some old men fishing and some boys from the kampong nearby.

It seems a little 'dangerous' here as there is no where you can sit.
Some people who went there even brought their own foldable chair.
I remember Billy once met a monitor lizard here, so I guess one is ought to be extra careful when they're here.

After numerous attempts on casting, we didnt catch anything.
That really frustrated us, and thus we decided to go Jabatan Peranginan Sg. Besar, hoping to find some luck there.

The first thing we hear at Peranginan was the loud voice of a big old lady!
She was scolding a small kid. Billy suggested that kid is her son, but I think she's too old to be his mother. Maybe that kid just messed around at that old lady's territory?

Yes, we saw that old lady on the previous occasion but we didn't know she was that fierce. Billy even said she must've been some "Tai Gar Che" when she's young.
And all we could do is just to pretend as if we didn't see anything, and think that everything is normal.
The old lady never brought any rods.

Her only essential fishing tools are the fishing net and the bintul used to catch crabs.
At her age, we didn't think she would be any more pro than us in fishing.
But who knows, the old lady even managed to catch a crab!

A huge one!
Now that makes us feel so n00b compared to her now l33t skillz.
Suddenly, a middle-aged man came out of nowhere and approached us.

He tried to talk to us but his speeches are a bit blurry and I can hardly understand what he's trying to say. It then took me quite a while to realise that he's actually not sane.
He even tried to teach me how to fish using my Sehat bottle. He opened the cap without my permission and demonstrated how I could fish by just using bottle.

But I refused to make it his day and still continued to look confused.
And shortly, he went off, and even said "Sorry!".
Instead of following the mad man's method, a more 'modern' makeshift fishing "rod" is made so that I can fish too.

Creative and nice, isn't it? But so far, it has not yet caught anything. =(
Slowly, most of the shrimps has died for some unknown reasons.
Added to the frustration that nothing is being caught yet, Billy decided to go a little more extreme, and use not just 1 or 2 or 3 but FOUR shrimps as baits!

The shrimps, now lifted up, and getting ready to be casted.

And then, what happened?

Only the tail of one of the shrimps are left intact.
That sucked.
We had to throw all of the shrimps back to the sea, including the dead ones of course.

But Billy decided to do something crazy and attempted to cook some of the dead shrimps using egg trays!

I didn't know it was possible until I saw the outcome.

The shrimps have turned into smoked prawn! Unmarinated and without ingredients though.

Want some?
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
10:04 PM |
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