Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunburn Chronicles
I went to mall this afternoon and watched Beowulf with Tiah, Ayman, Nazrin, Jimbo, Wafi, Najaah, Ahmad, Asnawi and the rest.
The movie was OK, but I just don't quite understand the ending. Wafi gave a bad comment on the movie.
The sunburn is killing me throughout the day. Me, Tiah, Wafi and Ahmad who all got sunburn from yesterday's swimming were rather furious when people started to pat our back which we reacted by screaming and shouting "Ouch!".
Anyways, after watching the movie, we walked around the mall and I saw some pictures sticking on the wall of a particular fashion shop. They are so weird that I just can't stop myself from taking pictures of them.

I'm am so speechless lah..
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
8:46 PM |
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