Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sky High
*NOTE: Contents from this post may not be appropriate for Muslim readers.
My second day at Bangkok started with a nice little breakfast at the 78th floor of the hotel I lived in.
The benefit for people living in this hotel is that they get free breakfasts (Isn't that the benefit of every hotel?). This breakfast is a bit special though, instead of serving cereals and coffee for breakfast, we got a buffet breakfast, which means, we get to choose what we want to eat! And it's free!

So, I guess even an idiot wouldn't turn this chance down. What's more, eating on top of a high-rise building also comes with a bird's eye view over the beautiful city of Bangkok!

The foods available ranges from a variety of cuisines. There were Japanese cuisine, Indian cuisines, Chinese cuisines and some Western food as well but somehow, I don't think there's any Thai cuisine.

Fresh fruits and fruit juices are available as desserts.
If that's not enough, there are also cereals to provide for a nice and delightful breakfast.

The assistant cooks will also be around to make a new scrambled egg or maybe even an egg omelette if you want. There are also breads with an oven beside it for you to toast.
Breads + Scramble Egg = Awesome!

This has to be the first time that I am able to choose from so many foods just to fill my stomach for a little breakfast. The foods here can be a main course already.

This is an example of the food that is available.
From donuts to sausages to hams to bacons to toasts to omelette to fishes to roti murtabak to muffins and etc.
After having our dream breakfast, we then met up with my father's Thai friend who operates a van, driving people around Bangkok.
Using this opportunity to go somewhere Thailand have that Brunei doesn't have or wasn't able to give, we opted to go any nice temple in Thailand.

As the journey would take up to 2 hours, we had a few stops along the way.

We first stopped 7-Eleven, presumed to be at another district, to use the toilet and also to look around for a while.

The latter then brought us to a little town called Suphanburi.

The place seems old, but seems to have a lot of history in it.
We were brought to the market which is known to have lasted for more than 100 years.

Such a historic market doesn't come along everyday, might as well take a good look around.
There is a slight difference between this market and the market in Brunei.

The market here seems like a lot shophouses being put together whereas the market in Brunei is solely the market and the stalls itself.

Even grilled chickens and ducks may be seen here.
You may even buy a new little teddy bear soft-toy here.

Hahaha, obviously that wasn't a soft-toy. It's a kind of food?
It seems like you may even asks for bargain at these place. Yeah, that's the principle of shopping in Thailand - always asks for a bargain.

We had our lunch at a small restaurant, or rather an eatery, at the front of the market.
The eatery is of a wooden house origin. Very classic and doesn't have the word "trendy" in it.

I then saw a couple of photos of some people, presumably some celebrity with the taoke or lady boss of the eatery, hung on the wall of the eatery.
Hmm.. Must be some famous place eh.. Shouldn't underestimate this place.

Even the Pepsi bottles here are old school.
The place may seem old and dirty but the food here tastes nice.

A simple "chao sio, sio ba peng" added with salted egg is what I ordered.
I thought I might rate the food with an "average" but no, it tastes somewhat better than I've expected, considering I'm a very picky person who seldom eats food out of a plate cleanly.
After my mum gave a very good comment about their coffee, I wasted no time and ordered another cup of coffee despite I've already had a Pepsi in hand.

The coffee, filled with so many ice, tastes so good that my mum called it "Starbucks Coffee".
The uncle who makes the coffee here must have decades of kung fu in coffee making.

I'm not someone who likes coffee but this uncle makes me wanna drink coffee everyday.
After we ate, we then went to our desired destination. We spent about 3 hours at the temple. Our journey back to Bangkok took another 2 hours.
It was already dusk by then.

We didn't went back to the hotel directly, but instead we went somewhere else to have our dinner.

We were brought to Somboon Seafood Restaurant, a more high-class restaurant according to Thai standards.
I recommend anyone to go to this restaurant if you're going to Bangkok and looking for delicious food and a clean restaurant. What's more, waiters and waitresses are standing by our table, constantly giving us assistance and refilling our drinks.
And then, we went to Erawan Shrine before we go back to our hotel. I really have to say, being able to visit the Erawan Shrine has to be one of my happiest and proudest moment.

The shrine, situated beside Grand Hyatt Hotel, has to be the center of attraction of the area.
There are even some Thai traditional dance at the area with traditional music.

Just when I was about to go back to my hotel, I was attracted to Pratunam fashion market.

I bought 3 shirts that night, and when I get to try on it in my hotel room, none of them fits!
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
8:04 PM |
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