Saturday, July 28, 2007
Mantoux Test Result
Our school conducted the Mantoux Test 4 days ago after a teacher in our school (anonymous in this case) were confirmed to have been infected with Tuberculosis.
However, only classes taught by the unidentified teacher proceeded to the Mantoux Test. My class is one of them.
Well, the teacher is now fine and back to her healthy state.
After having conducted Mantoux Test of which I've had injection, our class had another check-up this morning to see if one is TB-positive or negative.
The check-up this morning involves the measuring of the diameter of the induration across our forearm.
The nurses from RIPAS arrived at school today at around 10.00pm which coincides with our recess time.
Not only students were checked, but also teachers.

Some of us who have negative thoughts felt nervous whereas others seemed rather OK.

First, the nurse will rub the induration on your forearm, mark two points using a pen, and then finally record the measurement with a normal school ruler.
Any longer than 10mm, you're in hot soup.

The induration on my forearm were big, so I was quite nervous and somehow unwilling to proceed to the check-up. I even measured the length of the induration by myself and the measurements were terrible.
But turns out today, the measurement was only 0.7cm which is fine! The way I measured it was wrong, which is of course different from the way the nurse measured it for me.

I then realized that most of my classmates who have bigger indurations than I have were also safe. So only then they have the mood to talk and joke around.

Now that my friends are safe, I describe them as BEH KIA SI!!!
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
5:04 PM |
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