Saturday, April 21, 2007
Why new principal?
Our school has a new principal..
The principal is still kept anonymous from us as none of us have seen him yet.. All we know is that he's an ex-deputy principal from STPRI and ex-principal of Menglait School..

Before he has been officially announced as our new principal, rumors of new rules and spot checks have already spread widely..
It has been heard that mobile phones are not allowed.. This sucks..

They also said spot checks would be conducted this morning, so I went to The Mall yesterday to cut my hair.. But this morning.. NO SPOT CHECK.. Waste my money and also waste my time..

Apparently, I just cut my hair two weeks ago, and I went to cut again yesterday.. So paloi man..
I can only use two words to describe the school.. The two words is..

:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
2:33 PM |
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