Monday, April 23, 2007
All so fatigue..
Okay, so I woke up as early as 5.30am yesterday morning despite sleeping late on Saturday night.

I was called by Gary and Edison to join them for some 'activity' going on at the
RBA Club..
After Tiah told me that we might take part in activities such as tug-of-war, swimming and so on, I decided to join in. I was also told to wear a yellow t-shirt to represent something.. He then went to pick me around 7.30am next morning..

However, the next morning, the activity that Tiah explained to me did not seem to happen.. As me, Tiah and Gary sat inside the car while looking for parking, we saw many groups of people there wearing shirts of Green, Yellow, Red and Blue.. I then thought to myself, "Are we going to compete for something?"
Apparently, it's was some bloody
FAMILY'S DAYS! What the hell?!
I gave Tiah a sarcastic look but he also seems like having no idea of what's going to happen after all.. What's gonna happen to the swimming trunks that I've brought along with me?

We're gonna do lots of activities on the field there! See?! And apparently, we did..
Despite being yellow group, I have to stay inside the yellow group's camp of course, while watching the activites..

And this picture above is the yellow group's camp.. I've had enough of yellow this year.. -_-"

There's also a DJ at the arena, doing the music-thingy..

Tiah and his dad participated in the so called '
millipede race'.. Each group must have 18 runners, all of them must hold onto each other while racing and they all must
bend their knees.. You really MUST hold onto each other otherwise your group have to
return to the starting point..

After that, me, Tiah and Gary also participated in a game called '
Rounders'.. All the games were 'unusual in a way'.. The yellow group did not do very well though..
After a series of activities, Tiah's dad thought we've had enough fun and thus brought us home..
It's was a tiring day and I'm so so fatigue right now..
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
7:53 PM |
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