Sunday, April 25, 2010
15th Baiduri Masters 2010
Being a part-time staff of Baiduri Bank, I was recently assigned to help out during the Baiduri Masters 2010 charity golf tournament.

I was there only for Day 2 & 3 of the tournament though.
It was my first time witnessing and being involved in any golf tournament. So I was pretty
sakai and new to all these golf stuff.
I don't even know the rules of golf, let alone how to play the sport.

My job there was only to help out with the golfers' registration early in the morning and giving out the goodies/freebies which included the tournament T-shirt, an American Express branded towel, Srixon golf-balls and so on.

soft-feel BALLS.
After Day 2 of the tournament, I saw a goodie bag containing the tournament t-shirt, towel, and even a pack of cigarettes with a lighter in it at the lost & found area. It is said that they were found in one of the golf carts.
I wonder if it was purposely or accidentally left there, but hey! Whoever left it there could've just gave it to me!
According to, around 330 people have registered in Day 2 & a hundred plus in Day 3. So that's roughly how much goodies/freebies I helped to distribute.
Pretty easy job though, but unfortunately, the shift starts from 5.00am till 7.30am. So when I've reached the RBA Golf Club, the sky was still pretty dark.

And what's worse is that I'm one of the earliest (3rd actually) to arrive! Everyone else who were supposed to be there was super late (next person to arrive came at around 5.45am). Even the earliest golfer to arrive was at 6am.
It was a boring wait. It did not turn out any more exciting-er even after the wait.
But what's interesting is that I get to see lots of really rich people during the registration. Almost everyone who plays golf are rich. Or maybe just everyone.

As expected, the parking lots were quickly filled up. There were lots of really expensive cars parked outside.
Check out this Chrysler I spotted at the entrance.

I'm sure everyone will put a better performance if this Chrysler is one of the Hole-in-One prizes.

Or these golf carts. They run quietly, smoothly, they're automatic transmission and I don't think it's available in any of the car showrooms yet!
But well, being a charity tournament organised by Baiduri Bank Berhad, which is a subsidiary of QAF Group, it comes with no surprise that all the Hole-in-One prizes are cars that you can find in QAF Auto.

The prizes include BMW 530i, BMW X1 2.0d, BMW 320i, Land Rover Freelander 2.2d, and of course...

the Porsche Cayman S!
When it reached 7am, all the golfers went to their respective golf carts and went teeing off.
At this point, I'm not sure if the tournament/match/game has actually begun because there were no game officials/referees around that I even saw some people picking up the golf ball from the ground.
Is this legal?
Or does golf even need any referees?

I've never seen so many golf carts lining up together before.
Luckily, there are refreshments provided. When all the golfers went teeing off, that's when I get to eat.
The foods wasn't really all that nice but I really enjoyed the egg whites.

Refreshments include rice, beef rendang, fried noodles, kelupis, eggs, fruits, tea and etc.
The last thing you want to happen is to have golf balls flying from afar and then hit you hard on the face while you're eating. Terus
Kong Ka Kiaw (concussion).

The refreshments are catered by Jessamine Cake House.
It's been a while since I've been to Jessamine's.

I remember Jessamine used to be really popular for it's Roti Prata, Roti Tissue, Roti BOM, roti so on, Teh Tarik, their black & white tiles and etc while it's still in Kiulap many many years ago.
Now I'm curious where the main restaurant is located. Any idea?
Overall, it was a good experience being assigned to help out in this tournament, but screw the early shift time of 5am.

Golf is an expensive sport.
There's this saying that once you've actually played the game, you'll get really addicted, but I'm still not totally convinced, though the golf-equipment shop at the RBA Golf Club do have some really nice golfing apparels and accessories.
A golf shoe would cost you hundreds. A golf club would cost you thousands. A golf membership would cost you tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

It's a game enjoyed
only by the rich also by the young & the old.
But what I really don't get are the HOLES.

Why are there so many holes?
For different holes you shoot in, you get certain prizes.
So what if you managed to shoot
'hoe number 1'?? I'm guessing that you'll strike the
G-spot jackpot?
Okay, lame. :D
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
7:09 PM |
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Not A Good Place To Dance
A while ago, a friend of mine asked me where is a good place for him and some friends to get together and practice dancing.
When he first asked me, I thought, "don't he already know some of the dance studios around town?"
But he actually meant a quiet place a night, with a space big enough for around 10 people and a glass good enough to see their own reflections so that everybody's dancing in synch.
I didn't really get what he meant until he and 2 other friends brought me to this place.

Ever been to the standard Chartered building in Jalan Tutong/Bunut?
Yeah, this place he brought me to is a quiet, dark area at the back of the Standard Chartered building.
This place is a rough example of his description of a 'good dancing place'.

Maybe not... As you can see from the picture, the back of the building has clearly been raped by some hooligans with graffiti.

There's big space. It's quiet and nobody lives near that area. So that means when they actually practice dancing there, the boom-boom music won't disturb anyone.
If they're really gonna choose that spot for dancing practice, it should be alright, but the thing is.. it's kinda spooky.

I did mention that they need glass so that they can see their own reflections right? This place actually do have glass walls, but that wall belongs to an old abandoned food court.
Tables and chairs in the food court are all messed up. It's as if the Dudley Boyz actually came and gave everyone they find in the food court their famous finishing move 3D!!

Okay, I exaggerated a bit and I don't have picture of the food court.

Nearby, there's a Hyundai showroom, and the all new Hyundai Tucson was parked outside for display.
It was all dark but as we slowly approached, the lights lit up!
But then we realised it's a motion sensor light after all.
So apart from staying there and think of a better place, they played basketball!
Yeah, there's a basketball ring also.

I heard from one of them there was a black cat around, but I must've missed it 'cause I was busy taking pictures.

We then went somewhere further ahead, also the same area Tutong/Bunut but this time it's behind the NBT building.
That place's even scarier! It's all dark, black and no lights even. And there's another cat. This time I didn't even bother taking any pictures.
After all that, I think it'll be safer to stay away from those places again and better to just register at any dance studio and practice rather than finding a secluded and scary spot.
And I intend to end this blog post like this, cause that also means I've updated ;)
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
9:37 PM |