Saturday, March 27, 2010
Remember when we were kids we used to love to watch WWF? Old times.
Remember how we used to watch in awe as we see Stone Cold battle The Rock to a crucial match in the annual Wrestlemania?
Well, I'm no longer a fan of WWF or WWE as it is called now.So a few days ago, out of randomness, I watched WWE on Astro Supersports.I found that all the wrestlers have been replaced with unknown faces. Some are really white. With red hair. And mustache. This guy.
Sheamus is his name. Yeah. I thought he was an albino too.Anyhoo, the one thing I've been dying to check on WWE is the scenes, not the wrestling. When I was young, I convinced myself that the whole fighting thing, the arguments, the blood, the dramatic scenes and even Undertaker's return from the dead were all real and not staged.Of course it was staged. Which is why it was all the more fun to watch the scenes again.Remember, there's always this heat prior to an upcoming Pay-Per-View event, usually between two wrestlers wanting to get the World Heavyweight title? Well, that never changed. It has always been like the following:
Wrestler A strides toward the ring looking all smug and bad-tempered, accompanied by his theme song which is usually along the lines of heavy metal genre.
Upon getting into the ring, his theme song stops. Still maintaining his stern looks, he walks around slowly and inspects the crowd while holding a microphone. The crowd appears to boo and throws insults at him. Most of the crowd hold out cardboards stating their disgust for wrestler A.
Wrestler A starts to talk. Talks about how Wrestler B is unfit for the World Heavyweight title. How it should be his. How he can prove it when the pay-per-view event comes. The boo from the crowd grows in intensity as he talks. In the background, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross make some funny comment.Then all of a sudden, a blast of theme song hit the ring. Wrestler B appears. His Heavyweight belt tugged upon his shoulder. Jerry Lawler act surprised. The crowd cheers.
And then both of the wrestlers confront each other. Glaring at each other first. After that, they talk.
Wrestler B manage to stir the crowd into his favour. Wrestler A is not satisfied. Then suddenly, Wrestler A strikes Wrestler B with his microphone. While Wrestler B tries to regain his bearing, Wrestler A readies to strike Wrestler B with his deadly finishing move.
Wrestler B apparently never see it coming. So when Wrestler B finally stands up...
Boom!! Smackdown!Wrestler A leaves the ring satisfied, while Wrestler B seemingly remain unconscious.------------
Then there's this one.This scene is typical during a tag team match.
First, let me introduce the wrestlers. From left to right, A, B, C and D.Now let the match begin!A and C starts while B and D stands outside the ring.
A punches C.
A kicks C. And it goes on and on until C is totally weakened. Then out of nowhere, C manage to parry A and do a good counter attack.
Both of them lie down very very weakened as their respective teammate urge them to tag. Slowly, they began to crawl toward their respective teammate. Very dramatically.
Wrestlers B and D proceed to attack each other at the same time.
Wrestler D wins it with a crossline.
Wrestler A suddenly got his energy back and tries to hit D...
but D evades...
...and crossline wrestler A! Crowd cheers frantically!
Don't tell me you haven't seen these scenes before.-------
So yea, I have illustrated two of the million typical scenes from WWE. Hope you all like it!
Phew! A lot of pictures there! Took hours to draw them (Really got nothing to do). Bah, that concludes DENcorp's second update in March. Don't forget, Earth Hour 2010 will commence tonight from 8.30 - 9.30 pm. Do your part ;)
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
4:07 PM |
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Horrible Truth
Did it ever occur to you that the seats at your nearest cinema have not been cleaned since the day it opened?
Well, a friend of mine, whose name will remain anonymous, had a work experience as an usher in a very well known cinema in Brunei a few years back.
He claimed that for the length of his contract (about 3 months), he had never actually seen the seats of the cinema being cleaned. I'm not sure if the cinemas are cleaned once every 3 months though. But still.However, all possibilities aside, what are the odds that the seat you sat when you watched your last movie had been pee-stained by some nasty toddler? for thought.

Interestingly, another friend of mine was infected with red spots all over his arm after his last movie. I have no intention for defamation, but unless I am certain the cinemas are being cleaned on a regular basis, I will think twice before watching another movie.
So anyway, Brunei Darussalam has finally shown its willingness to join the Earth Hour 2010! It will be this coming Saturday, on the 27th March. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this - Earth Hour is a global event in which people are encourage to switch off all household applicants for just an hour. So..lights out people!
:: Posted by DENCORPORATION at
11:39 AM |